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Student Experience

I met fellow classmate and solar connoisseur, David Stripling (C14), at a linen covered table at the Lone Palm in the Mission District of San Francisco. I intended to hear about David’s journey into renewable energy, assuming there would be some trajectory to his story, a thread to follow. But David’s career reads like more …

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 As a senior consultant at ICF International, Joe Herr (C13) used to inventory and analyze greenhouse gas emissions for the US EPA and United Nations, develop agricultural emissions projection tools for the USDA, and launch projects like the Climate Ready Estuaries program. But while crunching GHG numbers helped mold his view of humans’ impact on …

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Students tackle personal sustainability through the Outdoor Club

Student Experience

  When I was making a decision of where to go to graduate school, the deciding factor that attracted me to Presidio was the outstanding community. It is very inspiring to spend one’s days surrounded by passionate and talented individuals who are all working toward the audacious goal of making the world a better place.  …

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Alumni Profile - Erin Decker


MBA Alumna Erin Decker (C10) talks about her work as the Sustainability Manager for This video is part of a series. View more

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Jared Brick - Alumni Profile


Alumnus Jared Brick, MBA C13, talks about his new start-up TraX and how his Presidio education helped get him there.

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The Importance of Being Greeted


I’ve been to countless business, professional, and other organizational meetings throughout my career.  I’m at ease as I enter these diverse contexts, a reflection of increased self-assuredness not to mention a broad network that leaves me confident that there’s a better than average chance I will encounter someone I know regardless of the setting. But …

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Cynthia Scott Brings the Presidio Perspective to International Leadership Conference


Professor Cynthia Scott, PhD will be presenting at the 15th Annual International Leadership Association Global Conference in Montreal, Canada on October 31st. The presentation “Leadership for Local and Global Resilience: The Challenges of a Shifting Planet” is based on a newly published book by Cynthia and fellow PGS Professor Tammy Esteves, PhD, entitled Leadership for …

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PGS Invades Net Impact 2013

Student Experience

On October 24-26, thousands of sustainable business professionals and students will descend upon Silicon Valley for the 2013 Net Impact conference. Our PGS Net Impact chapter is a co-host this year, curating 6 conference tracks, and bringing the most members of any Net Impact chapter in the country.  We’re also up for Chapter of the …

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Change Starts Here: Presidio and Local Impact


In a Presidio blog post earlier this year, I described my work with The Green Ninja Project, a climate-change education initiative for kids. With funding from NASA, NSF and PG&E, a successful Kickstarter campaign, and other sources, our collaboration of climate scientists, animators, filmmakers, and educators have come together to create the Green Ninja, a …

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Alumnus Dale Wannen (C9) Speaking at Net Impact


It takes just one idea and one person to change everything. Soon approaching this week from October 24-26, nearly 3,000 thinkers and doers will converge in California’s hub of innovation, Silicon Valley, for the 2013 Net Impact Conference. Fortunately, I was asked to put together a panel on the topic of sustainable investing.  As a …

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