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The Power of Collective Action

Student Experience

A group of employees picket outside their workplace. Dozens of activists make their home at the tops of trees for weeks. Hundreds of protesters stand in silent protest in front of the White House waiting to be arrested. Thousands of people throng the streets with picket signs and banners. Countless world citizens stood in solidarity …

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Presidio News

Presidio Graduate School earned the #1 ranking for social impact in the 2014 Business as UNusual: The Student Guide to Graduate Programs published today by Net Impact, a leading nonprofit that inspires a new generation to work for a sustainable future. Presidio Graduate School also ranked #2 for environmental sustainability. This is the second year in a …

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Practical Experience with an Influential Impact Investing Leader

Student Experience

As a millennial, the approximately 80 million U.S. individuals born between 1980-2000, I am part of the 85% who wants work that makes a positive difference and that is enriching to myself but also enriching to the world.[1] To some, our generation may be interpreted as wanting it all, quickly and efficiently. Millennials did grow …

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The “CVS Effect” & Millennial Demand for Responsible Jobs


“Whenever one person stands up and says, ‘wait a minute, this is wrong,’ it helps other people do the same” — Gloria Steinem There’s nothing wrong with a little business competition especially if the competition is to do the most good. In the past few years, we’ve seen large companies like Mars, Ikea, Apple, Chipotle, …

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Can I Do This Again Next Year Please? My Fellowship at Fort Bragg

Student Experience

I do not want to brag, but the U.S. Army engagement at Fort Bragg is the best in EDF Climate Corps. I apologize for the bombastic tone of this statement; however, when I consider the opportunities afforded to me during my time here, it is hard for me to imagine a comparable experience anywhere else. …

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Making Waves: PGS establishes alumni award honoring Eva Auchincloss

Presidio News

Fourteen years after first joining the Presidio Graduate School Board of Directors, Eva Auchincloss is still making waves. From championing fundraising efforts to strategic planning, the impact of her leadership is undeniable. Among Eva’s many talents is her ability to identify fertile connections, bringing countless new supporters into the Presidio community, not to mention new …

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A Walk through the Urban Forest: San Francisco Looks to PGS for Guidance

Student Experience

For a city as progressive as San Francisco, it is surprising that it fall short when it comes to our urban forest. Strolling through Golden Gate Park, you might be lulled into feeling otherwise. But step out onto the city streets and you will find a meager canopy covering the city. With an urban canopy …

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Proud to Partner with BCorps

Presidio News

  Presidio Graduate School is proud to partner once again with BLab for the 2014/2015 Academic Year. The educational partnership which began in late November 2013 “pairs the leading business school for sustainability with the leading certification mark for organizations using business to solve social and environmental challenges.” As part of this symbiotic relationship, PGS …

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Better Relationships Through Better Buildings: Evelyn Lee blends design, architecture, and reuse


Think you need to build more office space? You probably don’t. You just need to call Evelyn Lee (C11/PA1). Evelyn is a design strategist and development specialist at MK Think, a San Francisco design strategy and architecture firm that focuses on designing and planning for building efficiency and organizational change. MK Think transforms clients’ office …

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Diving into the Energy Challenges in Chile

Student Experience

This past winter 12 Presidians from the International Sustainability Club (ISC) went on an adventure to Santiago, Chile to learn about—and assist in cultivating—the potential for renewable energy and energy independence there. We were inspired to go to Chile by PGS Alumnus Edgardo LeBlond’s (C15) Alpine of the America’s project and the film Streams of …

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