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How Millennials and Women Are Paving the Way for Sustainability

Sustainability, Community

Millennials and women today are approaching investments a bit differently than men and women in the past. Statistically speaking, their investments are based on more than the chance to receive the highest return possible—they’re also based on the social and environmental impact of the investment. Consider the Statistics According to Morgan Stanley, 40 percent of …

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The Redeemable Company: Inside Corporate Citizenship with Sandra Taylor

Student Experience

In some circles large multinational corporations are the root of all evil. The means of modern capitalist production are the source of inequity, environmental destruction and splintered communities. Within these groups there it is the rare professionals who aims to correct the externalities of corporations not through picket signs or protests but through a focused …

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Interview With Paul Herman, Impact Investing Towards Sustainability

Student Experience

Paul Herman’s story is robust; it builds upon a deep-seated calling that many of us here at Presidio Graduate School (PGS) share. In his words, that calling is “the desire to see that individuals get as fair a shake as institutions” and those values are reflected through his work at HIP Investor. In 2006 after …

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Presidio Presents: Sustainability & the Future of Fashion

Presidio News, Sustainability

On Wednesday, February 25th three of the world’s top sustainable apparel pioneers joined the Presidio Graduate School community for an inspiring and candid conversation about the future of fashion. Melissa Fifield is senior director of Sustainable Innovation for Gap Inc., a leading global specialty retailer offering clothing, accessories, and personal care products for men, women, …

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Laura Weiss

GO Box Closes the Loop in Take-Out Dining


Eliminating waste is good for the environment. Laura Weiss is hoping to prove that it’s also good for business. Seeing Waste as an Opportunity GO Box was born in Portland’s vibrant food truck scene. A recent article in The Oregonian proclaims “Portland is the leader of the maverick food truck movement.” It’s hard to argue …

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Power Play: Is smart energy possible in Afghanistan?

Student Experience

In her grandfather’s hometown of Qarabagh, a farming community flanked by dusty deserts on one side and the Koh-e-Baba mountains of central Afghanistan on the other, Aseya Kakar (C21) met a woman who was suffering from lung cancer caused by the smoke from her cooking fires. “In our world, where we have so much technology …

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Chamas in Kenya - A Polychromatic Landscape

Student Experience

Today was a lesson in the different types of women’s groups that are interested in working with Zawadisha and how their needs can vary greatly. After a morning spent conducting more interviews with the Upendo group we had the opportunity to join Jen and Cindy as they met with groups interested in working with Zawadisha. …

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Maggie Kaplan Invokes the Pause

Presidio News

Speaking with Maggie Kaplan, you cannot help feeling inspired. She has the drive of a CEO, the humble wisdom of a teacher, and the expressive vision of an artist. In some ways, Maggie is all of these things. She is also a self-described “neural networker,” seeing connections where others would not otherwise see them. This …

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Meet the Board Chair: Suzanne Farver

Presidio News

It would be impossible to talk about the Women of PGS without talking about the current governing leadership at Presidio Graduate School. PGS has embraced women’s leadership since its inception, having seen four female board chairs and school presidents in its 13-year history. With Board Chair Suzanne Farver currently at the helm, PGS is poised …

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Team Chui works on new Trainings for Saving, Negotiating and Investing

Student Experience

With the stunning backdrop of the Maasai Mara behind us, zebras, wildebeest and warthogs included, our group of nine Presidians broke into two teams. One team was going accomplish the task of storytelling so that people back home knew all about the amazing work Zawadisha was achieving in Kenya, while the other team was going …

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