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Using Radical Alignment to Design Sustainability-Focused Organizations

Sustainability, Community

PGS alum and bestselling author Bob Gower helps organizations design and build future-ready systems. He is an authority on lean, agile, and responsive organization design, and has worked with Ford, Spotify, GE, and many others. He teaches communication skills alongside his wife, Alexandra Jamieson. Bob is the author of Agile Business, and Bob and Alexandra …

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Alumnus Eric Raymond: Building Equity in the Outdoors with Innovative Leadership

Sustainability, Social Justice, Community

Main image of Jimmy Chin, Team Athlete & Academy Award-Winning Director. Photo by Savannah Cummins. In our Changemakers in Action series, we meet dedicated sustainability and social justice leaders and learn how they are bringing about positive change. Today, we’re sharing our conversation with PGS alum Eric Raymond, who leads social impact and advocacy for …

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Why All Business Schools Should Mainstream Sustainability

Sustainability, Community

The idea of mainstreaming sustainability has entered into my psyche over the past decade or more. I think about it when I remember graphs presented at board meetings at the Rocky Mountain Institute—bringing a certain practice to scale until it reaches a tipping point and becomes adopted by a particular industry or society as a …

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Embedding Agriculture in Nature Is Beneficial for Biodiversity and Business

Sustainability, Community

Since the publication of Aldo Leopold’s “A Sand County Almanac” and Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring,” our skies have become increasingly silent; our oceans, lakes, and rivers are increasingly empty. Research suggests we are fast approaching the disastrous effects of this sixth extinction, geologically referred to as the Anthropocene. By embedding agriculture in nature, however, we …

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Climate Change in Every Course at Presidio Graduate School

Sustainability, Community, Student Experience

As COVID-19 rages around the world and antiracists agitate against police brutality, climate change remains the existential threat in the background. It may not always be the breaking news story or the latest viral video, as has been the case with the recent series of devastating wildfires on the West Coast, but its disastrous impacts …

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Exploring the Role of Leadership in Sustainability: Two Presidians on the Campaign Trail

Sustainability, Social Justice, Community

We regularly interview Presidio Graduate School alumni to learn how they are applying their degrees to address sustainability and social justice challenges in their lives and work. We recently caught up with Bay Area locals Tessa Rudnick (MPA, 2011) and Chance Cutrano (MPA, 2019) on their respective campaign trails. Tessa was most recently the IT …

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Cruising to a Cleaner Future with Peter Glenn and EV Life

Sustainability, Community

We recently caught up with Peter Glenn (MBA, 2011), who co-founded EV Life, a new startup dedicated to building a safer, more sustainable world. The company’s first audacious goal: helping to make it easier and cheaper to find and finance an electric car than a gas vehicle. (Full disclosure: Peter and I worked together for …

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A Year of Sustainability Consulting with PGS Consults

Sustainability, Student Experience

Presidio Graduate School has long equipped leaders to meet the increasing social justice and sustainability expectations placed on organizations. After graduating in 2019 with an MBA in Sustainable Systems from PGS, I’ve had the opportunity to work closely alongside consultants from PGS Consults to empower businesses in implementing sustainable solutions, whether our clients are seasoned …

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Reducing Environmental Impact a Top Priority at Presidio Graduate School


As an institution integrally focused on sustainable business and management practices, Presidio Graduate School (PGS) has long recognized that the delivery model of its programs creates a paradox for the school’s carbon-conscious community. Reducing carbon emissions and virtual education Employing a hybrid delivery model designed to increase accessibility, classes meet in-person in San Francisco just …

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Presidians and a Renewable Energy ‘Co-spiracy’ at VERGE


These renewable energy stories are as frustrating as they are typical: At last, the company’s executives are on board for installing solar panels on location, but the company leases its facilities from a landlord who has little interest in the project. The commercial real estate company’s sustainability champion offers tenants clean energy choices, yet few …

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