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The Game Changers


While we fantasize about a dream matchup in next year’s Super Bowl 50 at Santa Clara (Oakland Raiders vs. San Francisco 49ers, anyone?), there will at least be a dream team of Presidio Graduate School alums working to support the Super Bowl 50 Host Committee in their goal to make the Big Game as sustainable …

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The Dough-Gooder


Raley’s Meg Burritt seeks to change the world, one grocery run at a time. Meg Burritt (C9) wanted to open a bakery. A bakery that was “local, sustainable, and quality.” A bakery that sourced every ingredient—down to the sugar and the flour—as locally as possible. A bakery that was meaningfully integrated into the fabric of the …

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Presidio Graduate School’s First Graduating Class Turns 10

Presidio News, Community

This spring marks the 10th anniversary of Presidio Graduate School‘s first graduating class—22 students who took a risk on a new way of approaching business that doesn’t look at financial gains as the sole determinant of success, but instead takes a systemic perspective, evaluating decisions within the context of how they impact people, profit, and …

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Steward Of The Campfire


Leadership Professor Cynthia Scott brings people together. “Come to the campfire.” For many Presidians this phrase evokes the memory of Leadership for Sustainable Management with Professor Cynthia Scott. Cynthia uses the symbol of the campfire as a place for students to gather in reflection, storytelling, and collaboration. The campfire also serves as a reminder that leadership …

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Luni Libes Featured in CNBC Article on Entrepreneurship in Seattle


 Pinchot entrepreneurship professor Luni Libes was recently featured in a CNBC article on Seattle’s new wave of entrepreneurs. Fledge, Libes’ startup accelerator, was inspired by Pinchot MBAs in need of a stepping stone between graduate and successful entrepreneur. The fruits of this work are companies you may have heard of: Stockbox Grocers, Community Sourced Capital, and Evrnu to …

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How Millennials and Women Are Paving the Way for Sustainability

Sustainability, Community

Millennials and women today are approaching investments a bit differently than men and women in the past. Statistically speaking, their investments are based on more than the chance to receive the highest return possible—they’re also based on the social and environmental impact of the investment. Consider the Statistics According to Morgan Stanley, 40 percent of …

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Q&A with TechForecaster's Pamela Gordon, Sustainability Strategy Consultant and 2014 PGS Expert-in-Residence


Pamela J. Gordon is president and founder of Technology Forecasters Inc., a Bay-Area based strategic sustainability consulting firm. After interning for her this fall MBA candidate Tina Baylis took the opportunity to ask Pam about her work, her involvement with PGS and her thoughts on career opportunities in her field. When did you decide to …

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No Good Idea Should Stand Alone It’s this bit of sympathetic kindness that led Kate to a life-changing conversation and, eventually, her current position as the head of design, tech, and hardware at Indiegogo, a San Francisco-based leader in the crowdfunding industry. Back in the fall of 2008, Kate was wandering an Idealist Graduate School …

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Jen Boynton Breaks the Rules; TriplePundit’s founder shares his thoughts on his Editor-in-Chief

Sustainability, Community

Jen Boynton (C3) is not a law abiding citizen. I mean that in a good way. There’s simply no way we would have been able to build (3P) to what it is today without breaking pretty much every rule in the book, inventing our own rules, then breaking those when they didn’t work. That’s …

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Conveying the Message: An Interview with Carl Schneebeck & Nils Moe


Ever seen a pair become so in sync they start to dress alike? With matching plaid shirts and stylish kicks, PGS professors Carl Schneebeck (C7) and Nils Moe (C3) have an uncanny ability to look, speak and communicate with a flow that rivals the most polished cinematic duos. But the “MoeBeck look” isn’t how these …

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