In step with Earth Day and Fashion Revolution Week, a week-long campaign calling for greater transparency, sustainability and ethics in the fashion industry and commemorating the Rana Plaz factory collapse, where 1,138 people were killed and many more injured on April 24, 2013, the Sustainable Fashion Club hosted a clothing swap during San Francisco campus’s 4th Residency (Res) Community Event. As a community, we shared styling tips, heard stories of items once loved, and extended the lives of our clothes.
Each year, the average American buys 64 items of clothing and throws away 82 lbs. of clothes a year. That is 10.5 million tons of clothing sent to the landfill each year.*
By swapping our clothes with friends, repairing and restyling them, or simply buying used, we are diverting waste from landfills and reducing emissions. Every kilogram of virgin cotton displaced by second-hand clothing saves approximately 65 kWh or 90 kWh* for polyester.
Buying slow, used and sustainable makes a difference.
* Reference: Time Out For Fast Fashion via Greenpeace